i once went to the worlds biggest book fair in frankfurt to show the editors of random publishing houses my artworks - like thousand other illustrators i saw there - carrying there maps around. i really felt totally uncomfortable going from editor to editor (sometimes waiting in a row) to show my stuff - and i guess the editors didn't feel much better - they were really bored and apathetic and were not really into checking the art-stuff of maybe 1.000 illustrators per day. and man - i can tell you - there were any kind of illutrator you can imagine: the misjudged genius, some real graphic whizzkids, a legion of average and indifferent "i draw anything"-illustrators and some wannabe-illustrators - wich was very hard, cause by chatting with them i found out, that most of em come evry year, trying hard to get an editor. at the end of the day i was totally depressed - some editors showed a little interest, most of em showed nothing or told me that my style is absolutely inappropriate for their publishing house. back home i swore, i'll never do this again - it was disgusting - not because of the fact that my endorse failed totally, but because of the whole setting - i felt my artwork was better at home in a drawer than gawked at by random editors... i concentrated at what i knew i can do: crazy and not so common design of posters, LP-covers etc...
well, and then, in the middle of 2011 it happened: a guy send me a mail, telling me that he was thrilled by what he'd seen on my facebook and if i could imagine to do some book-illustraions. well, i guess everybody knows what i answered - and so the story went on and now i find myself designing a whole book series at LAPPAN VERLAG here in germany. it's title is STRESSTEST and there will be a "stresstest" for men and one for women. text and idea is by a team of writers - all illus by myself... inside the book there will be a small drawing for each chapter.